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Gavin Bannerman


An "on this day" style email reminder system that integrates with my travel journal and Google Photos.

Screenshot of an email with the Holleedate logo and

When I go on holiday, I (try to) keep a physical journal because I have a terrible memory. I started typing up the entries and storing them digitally once some of the older journals started falling apart, and this inspired me to create Holleedate.

trip: "Pacific Northwest Road Trip"
date: "2016-07-29"
country: "US"

So clearly I have not been writing more frequently… It’s

I write up my travel journal entries in Markdown using Obsidian and every so often sync these to a DynamoDB table. Every morning, Holleedate checks to see if there is a journal entry for that day on a previous year. If there is, it sends an email with the journal entry content and any photos in my Google Photos account from that day.

Holleedate has a serverless architecture and I can operate it entirely within the AWS Free Tier. When I began playing around with AWS CDK, I migrated Holleedate to use this for deployment.

A systems diagram of the Holleedate system showing lambda functions, DynamoDB, an S3 bucket and SES

For more details about the architecture, checkout the GitHub repository.