Half checklist, half script. Incremental automation of repetitive tasks made easy.
Inspired by Dan Slimmon's idea of "Do-nothing scripting", Checkscripts allow you to programatically document a process. This gives the benefit of making the process easier to follow while allowing developers to incrementally automate it over time.
If you have a manual process, you can easily document it using a Checkscript and benefit from having this process stored in source control. When you have time to automate one part of the process, you can change that step over to a function:
import { checkscript, step } from "checkscripts";
interface ExampleContext {
backupFilePath: string | undefined;
"Restore a database backup",
"This is our procedure for restoring a database backup."
step("Retrieve the backup file", async (context) => {
const file = await fakeApiCall();
const path = await saveFile(file);
context.backupFilePath = path;
return `Backup downloaded successfully! Saved to \`${context.backupFilePath}\`.`;
step("Load the backup data into the database", async (context) => {
if (!context.backupFilePath) throw new Error("No backup file found");
await importDataFromFile(context.backupFilePath);
return "Backup data imported into database successfully.";
"Check the restored data for consistency",
"Log in to the database and make sure there are recent records in the events table."
For more details on features and to see what it looks like when it runs, take a look at the npm package or GitHub repository.